Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Studio Shoot

So today was spent back in the studio shooting for my final major project, titled: "What Means Most". My friend agreed to travel down from Plymouth to spend some time in the studio with some of the things which mean most to her. Unfortunately she could not bring Coco, her maccaw, and so to represent that she brought along with her a t-shirt with a parrot on and a few parrot figurines. She also brought along an old teddy which used to belong to her older brother some years ago and these were what I decided to photograph.

From taking the images from the studio and to my laptop however, the images do not appear the same. Whether this was an error of lighting set-up or camera I am not sure however the images do not appear as bright. The images to me look at lot more dull than they did when in the studio. Here are my favourite two anyway, unedited:

The images were taken on the colleges Hasselblad 503CW on a 200ISO, shutter speed of 250 and aperture f/11

Sunday, 20 March 2011


So I have edited down some images to be sent off to Source Online Magazine (http://www.source.ie/) into the Graduate Photography Online 2011 which showcases students work from all around the world.

The guidelines, as can be seen here:
Ask for each student to send in 5 images, a breif introduction, contact details and a link to their own website. As I do not currently have a website up and running, all I was able to give them was the link to this blog. Better than nothing though.

Here are the five images that I chose to submit into the Source Online Magazine:

With the amount of work currently upon us, I decided to use images that I had taken, originally for my specialisms project (also known as the book project). A couple of these images were also put up on the wall of Samantha's Kitchen in Falmouth, for my 'Around The Corner' exhibition, which are still there for all to see.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Still Going Strong - Exhibition

I know, I know, the exhibition ended on the 7th March right? True, however if you missed it then the prints are still up on the walls for all to see. This is not indefinately however as she has made arrangements for another persons work to go up on her walls. Until this person gets back in contact with her however, my images shall remain in this space.

As a reminder its at Samantha's Kitchen, Arwenack Road, Falmouth. Open Monday - Friday: 11am - 4.30pm and Saturdays: 11am - 5pm. Closed on Sundays unfortunately.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Back Into The Studio

Having got my book project and exhibition out of the way, its was time to think about what I would choose to do for my Final Major Project (FMP). I particularly liked the idea of going back into the studio to shoot some portraits as I had not done this in a while. From this grew the idea of photographing people along with some possession of theirs which has either some sentimental value to them or that is simply that important to them. I could picture in my head a shot of my brother, who is particularly into his music, with his electro-accoustic guitar.

On Monday I managed to book our studio and, as a bit of a warm-up or test run, took some shots of my friend who's ring has sentimental meaning to her. Having not used the studio in a while for concentrating on landscapes for my book project, I was a little rusty to say the least. Eventually I got the shot I wanted after much frustration with the Hasselblad and trying to get it to focus on the area I wanted it to.

Images taken on a Hasselblad 503CW Digital with flash lighting on f/2.4 and a 1/250 shutter speed. The first image being the final image taken and the one which I am happy with after much time trying to get the focus in the right area. Having wanted the focus solely on the ring, this caused much frustration as many of the images ended up focused primarily on the hands/ fingers with the ring being ever so slightly out of focus.

Conclusion: Back into the studio for more practice!