Sunday, 27 February 2011

Fujifilm Student Awards

Whilst at college we were encouraged to enter into a free online competition being hosted by Fujifilm, which this year was titled Senses:

A title of senses pretty much left it open as to what we could photograph and the only requirements was that the images had to be taken on film - fujifilm of course! We could enter as many images as we liked and could almost enter anything we liked so long as we could write a short piece to explain what the image/s was about.

In a spur of the moment decision, I decided to take my images around the idea of how alcohol blurs your senses. Too much can impare, in particular, your vision. The idea was spurred by my housemate throwing a house party before going out on the town. Not being on best terms with him at the time, I of course was most annoyed however it would appear that something good did come out of it. In the end I chose to submit only one image into the competition:

Not the best of images, i'll admit that, however I was impressed with how it cam out considering that I hadn't shot on film for a while and this was the first time that I had shot using colour film. The image was taken on a Bronica ETRS using 120mm film which was 160ISO but I cannot remember the shutter speed or the aperture unfortunately.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Better Late Than Never... Exhibition Details!

I can only apologise for not putting this up sooner, I cannot believe that it slipped my mind!
Here is the poster I designed to advertise my exhibition titled 'Around The Corner':

'Around The Corner' by Sarah Anderson, Monday 21st February to Monday 7th March at Samantha's Kitchen, Arwenack Street, Falmouth. Come down and have a look!