Thursday, 27 January 2011

Exhibition Plans!

Well I finally managed to get my arse in gear and actually arrange a personal exhibition for myself! Yesterday, I ventured down into Falmouth with some prints to speak to the owner of the local cafe Samantha's Kitchen. I was flattered that she absolutely loved my images and I think that will look lovely up on the walls whilst customers pop in for a spot of lunch and tea.

We decided that I would be able to hang 8 of my images in the first room of the cafe and that I could have them up there for two weeks. Now all I have to do is sort out some posters or flyers to advertise the exhibition which has been planned to start on the monday in the February half-term week, which is the February 21st.

Having had my doubts on the walk down about whether or not the images would be accepted and very much so worried about being rejected, I left in high spirits and more highly motivated than I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks. Yesterday was most definately a good day and so I hope that this will lead me out of the photographic low that I have been in for the past few weeks.

Keep your eyes out for more information on my exhibition over the next week!