Saturday, 30 October 2010


One of our first projects this year is our specialisms project and basically what we have to do is create a book. Literally make a book...

This project, we were told, could be a continuation from a previous project or could be an entirely new project altogether. There was mixed reactions throughout our group which resulted in some continuing projects from last year and others starting a fresh project.

My initial idea was to follow on from my last project, which was exhibited in the foyer of the Fal building at Truro College, which was to do with the idea of how space can instil fear within a person. However, this idea has slowly changed an evolved into the idea of places which people may not ever go to, what people don't see.

The inital first title of this book was 'Around the Corner', which is still currently the working title and here is the image from which inspired the name in the first place:

And here are some of the images which I am planning to use in my project, although I still need to decide upon what order to put them in within the book. Most of these are new images, however there is the odd one which I used last year:

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Starting A New Year

Having sucessfully completed and passed my first year, I am back in Cornwall and ready to start my second year. Having had moments of uncertainty within the first year I am ready for my second and determined to be more organised and to be more motivated.
I passed my first year with just one distinction, which was in my Website and Blog project and this year I hope to achieve more at this higher level.
During our break we have been set a little summer project which was to take a set of 12 images revolving around/ responding to one of a few given themes/ words. These were:

  • Red
  • Smoke
  • Beginning
  • Slow
  • Summer Sun
  • Corrupted
  • Love
We were to then present these images on a disc with all the correct file names and metadata etc. My first inital thoughts were of the summer sun option, however, with a little inspiration from my boyfriend, I decided to do the project around the idea; Slow. The idea here revolved around the idea of using a long shutter speed and a long exposure - a slow processing. This would mean experimenting with night photography as a long exposure during the day would surely not turn out as i'd plan.

Unfortunately I was not very enthused with the project and only did a small amount of experimenting with the camera. My best images came from the Bristol Balloon Fiesta, where there was a Balloon Glow on one of the nights.

With this idea not going to plan, I decided to go with the option Red. Here decided to take the literal meaning of red as in the colour of the objects or something with red in the title. Here are a few of these images: